Jun 25Liked by Sacrilegious Discourse

This is just the typical M.O. of the Republicans. Keep pushing the limits until someone gives up, or until it seems so commonplace people won't bother to care. It's sickening to see this happen. Of all the good things we could do (with the right people in the La congress) we continually piss in the wind and stay near the bottom (poverty, education, etc) while we sell out to big chemical companies poisoning our "Sportsman Paradise" and the religious right cult.

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I mean... If we're all uneducated and too poor to do anything about it, they win... Right? That's end game ultimately.

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Jun 25Liked by Sacrilegious Discourse

The fact that these states go through implementing these illegal acts, means they know it will take a long time to reverse it. Just put it in the legal system with all of their lunatic judges. They believe that this will go to the Supreme Court, just where they want it so the corrupt SCOTUS lunatics can uphold the law. They no longer have any concern about legality. It’s about installing sharia law US style.

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I completely agree. Even if the Supreme Court doesn't uphold the ruling in Louisiana, it will use it as a way to signal ways in which they WOULD entertain allowing a law like this to stand. So, even if THIS version doesn't make it through, the next one might.

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